
  • Every song has 1,000 tokens.
  • You can sell, license or give away tokens.

Giving away tokens

  • You need to be "friends" here on Fanraizd to the person you want to give the tokens to.
  • The friend does not need to be a paying member. It is all free, and the friend will earn his/her royalties accordingly to the ownership.

For example, if you have had help to produce your song, and you want to compensate them with royalty/ownership?

  • You can give all persons shares of the song, all they need to do is register on Fanraizd.
  • Become friends, and then you can give shares to them.


  • Let someone own tokens of a song, for a limited period of time.
  • The person gets the royalties för the defined period.
  • The ownership returns automatically to previous owner when the period has ended.
  • Licensed tokens are locked and can not be used for the market.

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